The List

Me on Wine Train

I have added a new menu to the homepage of my blog: The List. Here you’ll find my list, or bucket list, and will be updated upon completion or when I think of new items to add. Without further ado, here is a copy of my current list!


Bucket list, life list, list o’ goals… whatever you want to call it, I have put all my hopes and dreams (mostly travel related, some not) in writing in hopes to conquer my desires. I will check off each item I fulfill upon completion, and add more when I think of them. In no particular order, here it is:

1- Travel to Antarctica

2- See polar bears in the Arctic

3- Return to Africa

4- Trans-Siberian Railway in the winter

5- Stay with a Nomad family in Mongolia

6- Have a stranger invite me to cook dinner with his/her grandmother/mom in a foreign country

7- See the Northern Lights

8- Rent a Lambo and drive it on the Autobahn

9- Attend a Classico game between Barcelona and Real Madrid, in Madrid

10- Hot air balloon over Cappadocia

11- Play with a raccoon

12- Live in NYC

13- Take a crazy, last-minute trip without a large amount of back-up cash

14- Respond to a natural disaster and help victims

15- Volunteer at the Children’s Hospital

16- Get a mohawk-ish type of haircut

17- Work a winter season in Lapland as a chef

18- Stay in the Ice Hotel

19- Live in Dublin

20- Hike to the Everest Base Camp

21- Stay at the Shaolin Monastery

22- Participate in Flugtag

23- Conquer the Mongal Rally

24- Marvel at the amazing mosques of Iran

25- Brew my own craft beer

26- Publish a photography book

27- Get the courage to sell my Challenger to save money for travel
Sold July 30,2014

28- Restore a 65′ SS Nova (once I really start to miss my Challenger!)

29- Read a new book each week for an entire year

30- Learn how to sail

31- Travel to Nova Scotia

32- Take up ocean kayaking

33- Drive the entire Route 66

34- Go cage diving (and live to tell about it!)

35- Hike the Incan Trail

36- Learn how to make the perfect replica of a Czech bread dumpling

37- Volunteer at the Elephant Nature Park

38- Visit St. John’s Cemetery in Queens- final resting place of Lucky Luciano and many more mobsters

39- Attend Mardi Gras

40- Go on a taco crawl through Mexico

41- Take a mule ride to the bottom of the Grand Canyon

42- Listen to a Holocaust survivor speak

43- Stay in an ocean hut in Bora Bora

44- Visit my Aussie friends in ‘Straylia

45- Complete a short animation film

46- Complete travel through every European country (EU and non)

47- Attend an NBA game at every single arena across the US

48- Continue learning French

49- Drive the entire Californian coastline

50- Go on an excavation

51- Learn molecular gastronomy

52- Spoil a homeless person for the day

53- Release rehabilitated wildlife back into the wild

54- Have a beer with Billy Idol (hey, I can dream, right?!)

55- Stay in a treehouse

56- Live on a houseboat

57- Go on a North Pole expedition

58- Visit Komodo Island

59- Float in the Dead Sea

60- See Bengal tigers in their natural habitat

61- Travel through the Black Forest

62- Visit Auschwitz-Birkenau

63- Attempt learning the turntables, again

64- Fund the wish of a Make-a-Wish child

65- Sail the Nile River

66- Go Zorbing

67- Hike the jungles of the Amazon

68- Visit the Google Headquarters

About The Roaming Bean (109 Articles)
You're probably wondering what the heck is a "Roaming Bean"... Given that I am clearly not a Bean, and my name is Jen, what gives with this Bean thing, right? A friend of mine called me JenBean as a child, and it kinda stuck. Actually, it really stuck... even my license plate says Jenbean. And seeing as I have this grand lust to wander the world, The Roaming Bean seemed suitable. I've changed my career path more times than I have my underwear (minus all the times I've gone commando).... from animating, to forensic pathology, to international business, to fashion marketing and even to my wonderful and favorite of the bunch, degree in culinary arts, nothing kept my attention. Nothing was fun enough to do every day for the rest of my life. I mean, even though I cooked for celebrities in the heart of Hollywood, CA, why the hell would I want to sweat my ass off in a ridiculously HOT kitchen for most of the day and go home smelling like beef and onions? And the chef hat?? Do you know what that did to my hair?? Enter traveling.... The rainy day I descended down the tower of Notre Dame in Paris, gripping on to the railing for dear life so not to slip and tumble to an early death from the torrential down pour that was causing a small flood in the stairwell, my life changed. When I safely made it to the ground, legs shaky from an apparent lack of fitness it requires to walk up and down 387 steep stairs, I realized my hands were stained a delightful copper color from the rusted hand rail I had so dearly clung to. Desperate to get the icky stuff off my supple hands, and no running water in sight, I did what any other hopeless idiot would have done: I washed my hands in the nearest Parisian gutter. It was that moment that changed my life... I threw away my hair dryer, my rolling luggage and my dignity. I let my hair go natural, I bought a back pack and I CAMPED through Europe for a month and a half. Yes my friends, I crossed over into a savage traveling beast. Ok, a lot of people travel that way. But I didn't. And I'm so incredibly thankful for that rainy day in Paris that made me realize the world is a pretty sweet place. That realization led me on a quest; a quest to get out there, see things, soak up some local culture and eat my way around the world (with minimal food-related illnesses, such as but not limited to raging diarrhea).

11 Comments on The List

  1. Gotta asking and not Google it…. what is “zorbing”??? 🙂

  2. I checked Your thru and found it great! I love for example 8- Rent a Lambo and drive it on the Autobahn. I have drove my own car at the speed of 242km/h or 150mi/h. The feeling is mighty!

    Maybe You could add to Your list these:

    World’s Biggest Snow Castle.

    Arctic Circle in winter.

    You can overnight in World’s Biggest Snow Castle, no need to visit Ice Hotel.

    Happy and safe travel!

  3. Some nice items on the list… 🙂

  4. Busy busy!Fab list–be sure to tick that Live In Dublin one off 😃

  5. Thanks, Steve! I’m trying!

  6. Wow! No one can accuse you of having a lack of ambition! Better get busy! 😉

Talk to me!!