The List

Bucket list, life list, list o’ goals… whatever you want to call it, I have put all my hopes and dreams (mostly travel related, some not) in writing in hopes to conquer my desires. I will check off each item I fulfill upon completion, and add more when I think of them. In no particular order, here it is:

1- Travel to Antarctica

2- See polar bears in the Arctic

3- Return to Africa

4- Trans-Siberian Railway in the winter

5- Stay with a Nomad family in Mongolia

6- Have a stranger invite me to cook dinner with his/her grandmother/mom in a foreign country

7- See the Northern Lights

8- Rent a Lambo and drive it on the Autobahn

9- Attend a Classico game between Barcelona and Real Madrid, in Madrid

10- Hot air balloon over Cappadocia

11- Play with a raccoon

12- Live in NYC

13- Take a crazy, last-minute trip without a large amount of back-up cash

14- Respond to a natural disaster and help victims

15- Volunteer at the Children’s Hospital

16- Get a mohawk-ish type of haircut

17- Work a winter season in Lapland as a chef

18- Stay in the Ice Hotel

19- Live in Dublin

20- Hike to the Everest Base Camp

21- Stay at the Shaolin Monastery

22- Participate in Flugtag

23- Conquer the Mongal Rally

24- Marvel at the amazing mosques of Iran

25- Brew my own craft beer

26- Publish a photography book

27- Get the courage to sell my Challenger to save money for travel

28- Restore a 65′ SS Nova (once I really start to miss my Challenger!)

29- Read a new book each week for an entire year

30- Learn how to sail

31- Travel to Nova Scotia

32- Take up ocean kayaking

33- Drive the entire Route 66

34- Go cage diving (and live to tell about it!)

35- Hike the Incan Trail

36- Learn how to make the perfect replica of a Czech bread dumpling

37- Volunteer at the Elephant Nature Park

38- Visit St. John’s Cemetery in Queens- final resting place of Lucky Luciano and many more mobsters

39- Attend Mardi Gras

40- Go on a taco crawl through Mexico

41- Take a mule ride to the bottom of the Grand Canyon

42- Listen to a Holocaust survivor speak

43- Stay in an ocean hut in Bora Bora

44- Visit my Aussie friends in ‘Straylia

45- Complete a short animation film

46- Complete travel through every European country (EU and non)

47- Attend an NBA game at every single arena across the US

48- Continue learning French

49- Drive the entire Californian coastline

50- Go on an excavation

51- Learn molecular gastronomy

52- Spoil a homeless person for the day

53- Release rehabilitated wildlife back into the wild

54- Have a beer with Billy Idol (hey, I can dream, right?!)

55- Stay in a treehouse

56- Live on a houseboat

57- Go on a North Pole expedition

58- Visit Komodo Island

59- Float in the Dead Sea

60- See Bengal tigers in their natural habitat

61- Travel through the Black Forest

62- Visit Auschwitz-Birkenau

63- Attempt learning the turntables, again

64- Fund the wish of a Make-a-Wish child

65- Sail the Nile River

66- Go Zorbing

67- Hike the jungles of the Amazon